Supporting the wealth of health one family at a time
Kelly's Environmental News
A Healthy Solution
Florida's environment is forever changing. It's such a blessing to live in this beautiful Sunshine State with endless beaches, ocean, sun and sand but with this comes an increase in population creating an uprise in pollution. Florida has also had an increase in manufacturing, agricultural activity and landfills over the past 50 years which has lead to less than ideal water and air quality, landing us number 2 in the nation for the worst water. My mission is to help inform and protect the wealth of health one family at a time. Together we can make a difference in you and your loved ones overall health and lifestyle for a longer and better quality of life.
I think you would agree your family's well being is priceless and clean water and air are vital for life...together we can make a difference for you and  your loved ones.
As a new resident to Florida, I heard the quality of the water wasbelow average. To me it was no different than any other water I had experienced, and I've traveled the world. When my husband told me he set-up an appointment to have the water tested, I was skeptical and my expectations were low. After witnessing the water tests and drinking "clean" water, I immediately became a believer. As the great saying goes, "You don't know what you're missing until you experience it." The Rain Soft System has been a blessing in our home. Softer skin, staying more hydrated, texture of our clothes after washing, yearly cost savings on products, and the benefits we cannot see - our housing pipes. The investment is worth every penny! Don't be a skeptical like me, just see and experience for yourself! Lisa Holland

We had Kelly come to our home and test our water and speak to us about the benefits of a Rainsoft water system. We knew from past experience that the Rainsoft system is top quality and rated as the best there is. Our system gives us a sense of security knowing that our water is the best quality..we can taste and feel the difference. Now when we run the water there is no horrid smell or foul taste but more importantly, we know the water will not be a source of future health issues. Investing a small amount in our water system will have long term health benefits, and for us, that is the most important benefit Rainsoft provides. Sonny and Carolynn Blinkensop Melbourne, Fl

Create an upgraded lifestyle!
Build the wealth of health for you and your loved ones.
Many are surprised to find out the long list of chemicals and contaminants that enter our homes and bodies daily from the number one ingredient in life next to air, our water....Join my newsletter to gain education on updated conditions here in our beautiful home state of Florida.
Do you know what's in your tap water?
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